Dr Jay Calvert and Dr Millicent Rovelo, co-hosts of the Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Podcast, publish on safety of Combined Revision Rhinoplasty and Breast Implant Surgery
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., Aug. 25, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Dr. Jay Calvert, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon from Beverly Hills, and his associate, Dr Millicent Rovelo, have published their experience with simultaneous revision rhinoplasty with rib cartilage harvest and breast Implant surgery. Dr Calvert and Dr Rovelo co-host the Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Podcast with Dr Jay Calvert.
"It is our pleasure to report the findings of this study. It clearly shows that breast operations are safe to perform with Rhinoplasty that includes rib graft harvest."

– Dr. Jay Calvert
This study was undertaken to prove the safety of performing rib graft harvest through various breast operations. Rib cartilage is considered by Dr Calvert to be the gold standard for revision rhinoplasty. Being able to combine the rib harvest with breast operations makes rib grafts more accessible. The publication is entitled "Autologous Costal Cartilage Harvest for Rhinoplasty with Simultaneous Breast Surgery: A Safe and Efficient Technique." It appears in the September Issue of the Aesthetic Surgery Journal 2020, Vol 40(9) NP480–NP490.
Recently , Dr Jay Calvert launched a new version of his website, https://www.drcalvert.com, that included the announcement of his affiliation with is co-author of this publication. Dr Millicent Rovelo has been working with Dr Calvert for over 5 years. The recently formed an association in Beverly Hills, California. Their podcast videos can be seen on their YouTube channel.
Please contact the office of Dr. Jay Calvert to learn more about him and Dr Millicent Rovelo. Contact Orla Becker at +1.310.777.8800 or visit his website at https://www.drcalvert.com.
About Dr. Jay Calvert
Dr. Jay Calvert is the President of The Rhinoplasty Society. He has offices in Beverly Hills and Newport Beach, California. He attended Vanderbilt University where he majored in Molecular Biology. He attended Weill Cornell University Medical College in New York City and then went on to train in Plastic Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh. He is also a Co-Director of the Marina Rox Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Fellowship.
Keywords: #plasticsurgeon #beverlyhills #rhinoplasty #secondaryrhinoplasty #revisionrhinoplasty #breastimplants #breastreduction #breastaugmentation #septoplasty #drjaycalvert #drmillicentrovelo #ribgraft #plastic surgery #boardcertified #Rhinoplastysociety
Contact: Orla Stewart
Jay Calvert, MD, PC
Phone 310.777.8800
Fax 310.861.1722
SOURCE Roxbury Surgical Associates